Hydraulic Lime

Hydraulic lime is obtained by burning kankar or clayey limestones. Lime is considered to be hydraulic when it sets under water within 7 to 30 days. Lime is called feebly hydraulic, moderately hydraulic or eminently hydraulic according to its readiness to set under water and its properties which depend upon the proportion of clay in the lime, which varies from 5 to 30 per cent. The larger the proportion of clay, the more sluggish the slaking and the greater the hydraulic property. Hydraulic lime slakes very slowly taking several hours or even days depending upon its composition, and without producing much heat, noise or change in bulk. Slaking is done in the same manner as for fat limes but only just enough water is added for hydration and lime is turned over with spades. Excess of water will harden it and make it useless. Slaking action is accelerated if lime is initially pulverised in a grinding mill.

Hydraulic lime should be slaked just before use and not immediately after burning, and then passed through a 3.35 mm sieve and stored in a compact heap in an air-tight dry place.

Hydraulic lime is suitable for works under water and for all positions where strength is required as it has much less tendency to shrink or crack than fat lime, and addition of a small proportion of sand improves its qualities. It has to be a ground to a very fine powder for plaster work.


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