Angle of Internal Friction of Soils
Angle of Internal Friction of Soils
The resistance in sliding of grain particles of a soil mass depends upon the angle of internal friction. It...
Internal Friction of Soils
Internal Friction of Soils
Internal friction of soils is due to the resistance of grains to sliding over each other and is the characteristic of...
Cohesion of Soils
Cohesion of Soils
Cohesion of soils is the internal molecular attraction which resists the rupture or shear of a material. Cohesion is derived in fine...
Types of Dressing of Stones
Types of Dressing of Stones
The different types of dressing of stones are,
1. Hammer Dressed or Quarry-faced Surface
2. Rough tooled surface
3. Tooled Surface
4. Cut stone...
Ashlar Facing Masonry
Ashlar Facing Masonry
In Ashlar Facing Masonry, the faces of stone are rough tooled, and chamfered and the stones are provided in face work only....
Ashlar Chamfered Masonry
Ashlar Chamfered Masonry
This masonry is similar to the one described above with the only difference that the edges around the exposed faces of stone...
Ashlar Rock, Rustic or Quarry Faced
Ashlar Rock, Rustic or Quarry Faced
This type of construction is similar to ashlar rough tooled except that the exposed faces of face stones between...
Ashlar Rough Tooled
Ashlar Rough Tooled
In Ashlar Rough Tooled masonry, the exposed faces of stone generally have a fine dressed chisel drafting all round the edges. The...
Ashlar Fine Masonry
Ashlar Fine Masonry
In Ashlar Fine Masonry, all the stones are fine tooled, on all bed and side joints, and the faces are rendered perfectly...
Dry Rubble Masonry
Dry Rubble Masonry
The construction of this form is similar to that of ordinary rubble masonry without mortar. Dry Rubble Masonry in which the stones...