PVC Tile Flooring
P.V.C. tiles are now manufactured in variety of shades and design and are being commonly used in residential as well as non-residential buildings. It gives a decorative floor finish which is resilient, smooth and can be cleaned easily. It can be laid over a prepared base which can be of concrete, timber etc.. Prior to laying the tiles, it is necessary to see that the base is perfectly dry and brought to the temperature at which it will be while in use. The layout of the PVC tile flooring (to the required design/pattern) is marked on the base with the help of guide lines. Adhesive of specified make is thereafter applied on the base and the back of the P.V.C. tiles with the help of a notched trowel. Laying of PVC tile commence when the adhesive has set sufficiently (say within half an hour). After laying, the tiles are pressed suitably with wooden rollers (weighting 5 kg. ) to ensure intimate contact with the base. Extra adhesive that oozes out is wiped off and the PVC tile flooring is finally cleaned with warm soap water before use.

Merits and demerits of PVC tile flooring
- It is non-absorbent.
- It is easily repairable in patches.
- It offers pleasant appearance.
- It is durable.
- It permits quick laying of floor.
- It is resistant to wear and has fairly good strength.
- This type of construction is very costly both in initial cost as well as in maintenance.
- Terrazo tile and glazed tile flooring becomes slippery when wet.
- PVC tile flooring gets damaged when in contact with burning objects like paper, match stick etc.